Your home is likely one of the most important investments you will make. I want you to feel confident about your decisions and will work hard to support you through each step of your Real Estate journey. With proven success, experience and knowledge, you are in good hands.
We had a very positive experience with Toby Edgar when we purchased our new home. Toby listened to what we were looking for and gave us insight to the current market. He was candid, helped us navigate all the details and managed the actual sale negotiation brilliantly. We would recommend him to anyone for buying or selling a home, without hesitation.
- Michelle
Toby has helped my wife and I on multiple listings now, all while providing peace of mind and confidence in our real estate goals. We admire his personable yet professional expertise with our big decisions, but above all appreciate that we could trust him do to what's best for us. Highly recommended!
- Austin Riddle
It was no easy feat to find our dream house, but Toby made the whole process easy!
I was being extremely particular because I didn't want to go through the hassle of a move, unless it was just right.
Toby took the time to really understand what we were looking for and was very patient and upbeat throughout. He always answered our questions and calls, or got back to us right away.
He is a dependable and knowledgeable real estate agent that I can recommend with confidence. We are endlessly grateful for his hard work and always going the extra mile in helping us find our dream home.
Thanks Toby!!
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